沧海一声笑,滔滔两岸潮,浮沉随浪记今朝。 苍天笑,纷纷世上潮,谁负谁胜出天知晓。 江山笑,烟雨摇,涛浪淘尽红尘俗事知多少。 清风笑,竟惹寂寥,豪情还剩了一襟晚照。 苍生笑,不再寂寥,豪情仍在痴痴笑笑。(Specially give to those who always sad and gloom, do laugh everyday.)
I always lack of confidence... I always self-discriminated.... I always proud of nothing..... I am too ordinary but I always wished to be 'extra'~ Sigh, I am not a intelligent student, never have a better physical outlook, worst in communicating, insufficient in leadership, skillless.... Just drop by to spread some rubbish, why I am I??? But, watashi wa saigo no hito desu!!! Deadline: end of this month~~~~
欲生彼国者,当修三福: 一者,孝养父母,奉事师长,慈心不杀,修十善业。 二者,受持三归,具足众戒,不犯威仪。 三者,发菩提心,深信因果,读诵大乘,劝进行者。 如此三事,名为三世诸佛净业正因。
星期二, 四月 05, 2005
The New Hope
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