Yesterday, there was a outbreak of massive demonstration to Japanese government in Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, due to the irresponsible and arrogant attidude of Tokyo. Anti-Japan movements are found everywhere in China and Korea, since two nations with Japan have a disagreement on a disputed island each other and wartime history problems. My dearest comrade, please group our forces to stop the conspiracy of evil Japanese, or you will have same fate with ancestors in earlier 20th century.
Negara Jepun adalah negara yang bahaya, rakyat mereka telah dicemarkan oleh ideologi militarisme kuasa kanan, marilah kita menghentikan plot mereka yang jahanam itu.
欲生彼国者,当修三福: 一者,孝养父母,奉事师长,慈心不杀,修十善业。 二者,受持三归,具足众戒,不犯威仪。 三者,发菩提心,深信因果,读诵大乘,劝进行者。 如此三事,名为三世诸佛净业正因。
星期一, 四月 11, 2005
Anger is arising~~
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