This is my first time stepped into the hall of people(Dewan Rakyat), but I believed that my second step-in will not spend on an audience seat. To achieve this far far away dream, the first thing, I have to strenghten my bahasa and my body. In the hall, I saw him, giving a speech, short but interesting. He is MP from Ayer Hitam, I always appreciate him, because of him, I joined Cochraneans (Let me know lots of great friends, respected comrades and brethrens and my forever dream target~~~), also because of him, I nearly destroyed in loads of jobs. Hahaha, probably this is FATE....
Lawatan hari ini tamat dengan lancar, pelajar-pelajar juga puas hati, hati saya pun lega. Sigh, hari Sabtu ada Ceriathon lagi, sepanjang minggu ini saya tidak pernah membaca buku. Itulah nasibku, saya terpaksa menerimanya. Minggu depan, peperiksaan bermula, saya berjanji selepas hari Sabtu itu, saya mesti membangkit semula untuk mencapaikan kejayaan dulu saya.
A good new to our Asian, Japanese dream will always be DREAM!!! Japan now is facing a difficult struggle in way to UNSC permanent seat. From the reports, roughly 114 nations oppose plan of this rising sun islands. Lets hail to the victory of righteousness and justice. HAIL.....
欲生彼国者,当修三福: 一者,孝养父母,奉事师长,慈心不杀,修十善业。 二者,受持三归,具足众戒,不犯威仪。 三者,发菩提心,深信因果,读诵大乘,劝进行者。 如此三事,名为三世诸佛净业正因。
星期四, 四月 14, 2005
Hall of Holy
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