星期日, 十二月 18, 2005

Sanjaya Birthday Party

Master Sanjaya, the Legend. Yesterday night, there was a great moment happened on this planet: the 19 anniversaries of my comrade, Sanjaya. Happy birthday to him...

Therefore, his parents held a celebration for San. We, Boon, Kenny, Kemmaw, Xiangwei, Lester and I, six handsome guys had a wonderful and delicious BBQ dinner, which prepared by his mum, in San's house compound, we, plus San, seven future leaders had a looong conversation and chatting until midnight. Just like a gathering for old friends, this kind of moment, I like it!!!!!

Sanjaya, I know this guy since we were in lower six. Don't know why, just few days, we already became friends. Perhaps, in buddhism, this is the effect of a cause. For me, he is a trusted and helpful ally, and also a top-secret keeper. When I facing some difficulties, he is always the first who give me morally and mentally supports and definitely standing a sameline with me. During the school time, we have a lot of topics to discuss, to debate because we are sharing some similarities in our hobbies. I always treat him as a great brother, because I saw myself in his shadow.

Although he is not a Chinese, I always feel his strong chineseness, much greater than those 'banana', he has a lot of hidden ability, just like a jade that hidden in a stone..... I really hope that "long live our comradeship!!!"

From tomorrow onward, I will stop blogging, and maybe stop online for a week to purify my mind and reconstruct my body. See you.

星期五, 十二月 16, 2005








星期四, 十二月 15, 2005

Ask from buddha???

Lots of people say buddhism a backward religion, is a polytheism. And also say that buddhism has a lot of superstitious elements inside it. Saying a lot of unknown Sanskrit spell during praying and so on..... Normally people who say buddhism is superstitious because he himself not understand about buddhism...

Ok, repeat again. Buddhism is not religion, surely it is not polytheism or monotheism. Those sanskrit word is not spell, there are called MANTRA, although chinese translation is called 咒, more properly is called 真言 or 陀罗尼, for example most common one 大悲咒陀罗尼, i think buddhist should know this. Ok, Some people will ask (I asked before) why should I recite those unknown mantra? Are those mantra have their own meaning? If got why dun translate to our common language? why still remain as Sanskrit form? Ok, Mantra, actually have 2 types, 1st those mantras all are names of gods and ghost, 2nd mantras is buddha languages, definitely have their meaning, and we also can translate it to our language, but even how we translate we also can't bring the complete meaning of the mantra. This is because our wisdom have a great distance from buddha wisdom. So if you wanna know the meaning, you only can depend on your achievement.

Sometimes, I saw my relative put his TOTO number in front of a buddha sculpture, and ask that patung: Bless me, my buddha, hope this number, open tomorrow. Oh my god, this is a terrible misconception toward buddhism and that buddha sculpture. Because of this action, other people labelled buddhism as superstitious!!! First thing, you have to know one thing, that patung really is a PATUNG, is a sculpture that made by wood, soil and so on. Is buddha staying there?!?! Definitely not!!! That thing is totally non-organism, non-minded, is only just a patung. You may ask, if like that why we always pray in front of a patung???

To be continued.....


相信认识我的人,都会说我是一位极端的民族主义者,什么都要以大中国的利益为主,而且非常讨厌日本人,好像与日本人有不共戴天之仇。唉~~~ 阿弥陀佛。幸好我的怨恚心已经彻彻底底地消除了,否则将来不知会发生什么事。。。善哉善哉~ 多谢伟松师兄。






星期三, 十二月 14, 2005

Buddhism misunderstanding

Buddhism is not a religion, i repeat.. Buddhism is NOT A RELIGION!!!! But it is teaching to correct people behavior and let us to discover the truth of universe and humanity 宇宙人生观. It just like Confucianism.... Everyone is future buddha, no matter you are christian, muslim, jews and so on... Because buddha is not a god-like creature, but he or she is a person who enlightened...

Does god exist in buddhism view?? Certainly. But you should know a thing the god in buddhism is totally different with other religion, because buddhism is generally regarded as a non-theistic "religion". Although it does teach the existence of “gods” (devas), these are merely heavenly beings who temporarily dwell in celestial worlds of great happiness. Such beings, however, are not eternal in that incarnational form and are subject to death and eventual rebirth into lower realms of existence.

In buddhism prospect, the creation of the universe is more pointed to the interconnected causes and effects rather than a work of a divine agent. But just REMEMBER!!!! Buddhism is not reject any religion teaching, because all religion are equal and actually came from a source.... I am not promoting buddhism, but wanna correct the misconception of buddhism from other people. The main teaching of buddhism recommended that a certain lifestyle or path be followed which consists of:

Right Understanding
Right Thought
Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood
Right Effort
Right Mindfulness
Right Concentration


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九尾狐外传 Gumiho:The Forbidden Love~~~~~


贪~ 过去,我很贪图名利,爱出风头。
瞋~ 我是首号反日反美反台独分子,导致我心中对日本产生一种仇恨瞋恚心,罪过罪过~
痴~ 我曾经痴迷过一位女子。
慢~ 无可置疑,我是个傲慢心很重的人,民族优越感,独中我慢心很强。
疑~ 我以前对佛法抱着非常怀疑的态度。。。


星期日, 十二月 11, 2005

I found the way~~~

with Ignorance as condition, Mental Formations arise
with Mental Formations as condition, Consciousness arises
with Consciousness as condition, Name & Form arises
with Name & Form as condition, Sense Gates arises
with Sense Gates as condition, Contact arises
with Contact as condition, Feeling arises
with Feeling as condition, Craving arises
with Craving as condition, Clinging arises
with Clinging as condition, Becoming arises
with Becoming as a condition, Birth arises
with Birth as condition, Aging & Death arises

In this long holidays, I joined a buddhist learning camp at a buddist centre, Guang Hui Yuan 广慧缘 at Ampang Tasek there, I spent 7 days 6 nights (4 Dec to 10 Dec) there.... Ahhhh.... this is really very unforgettable wonderful moment in my life... I would like to share my great experiences to you all. Eventually, I found it, I found the way of truth. Previously, my mind was very confuse and ignorant, people said Bible is for Christian, Al-Quran is for Muslims, how about buddhists? But, now I got it, that is "Sutra on the White Lotus of the Sublime Dharma or Lotus Sutra", in Chinese called 大乘妙法莲华经, it also titled as 'ultimate of all sutras', is one of important sutras 经典 in Mahayana Buddhism 大乘佛法.

What is buddhism? Lots of people have misconception on buddhism, including buddhist themselves. First I wanna clarify that buddhism is not a religion but an education. Unlike Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, buddhism isn't a kind of RELIGION but EDUCATION, a true way of universe and humanity. I really hoped that everyone can correct your misunderstanding toward buddhism. So, I admit that I have NO religion but a buddhist....

OK...okokok..... Lets come to our topic: Buddhist Camp!!!

First Day, 4 Dec 2005. (Nazi Detention Camp)
My four cousin sisters and brothers and I reached there at 8 morning, then I saw some of my classmates, there are H'ng Ee, Sia Wei, and most surprisingly is I saw Loke Xi-mun, and some cochraneans, I believe one of them is Mr Tan (Head of SMK cochrane PIBG) daughter, so fimiliar. I also met a guy that I saw him in Yakin Tuition Centre previous day, but that time I didn't know his identity only can feel he is not a simple guy, Yes, my prediction is right. He is Ang Kuan Ping 洪广彬, form SMK Chung Hwa form six finished STPM as me, this guy really really.... hard to use word to describe his brain capacity. He is damnned brilliant, and weird too. His knowledge is hundreds times greater than mine. Ok, talk about first day.....

Regret. Disappointed. Sad. Boring. These are my feelings on 1st day, I should not join this camp..... Sigh. Why? because this camp has no any outdoor activities!!! Oh my god~~~ and then we have to follow 8 restrictions like those buddhist monks.
There are:
1. 不杀生, no killing....
2. 不邪淫, no sexual thinking....
3. 不偷盗, no stealing.....
4. 不饮酒, no alcohol.....
5. 不妄语, no saying nonsense, this is too hard for me....
6. 不用香物洗澡, no using fragrant oil or shampoo to bath....
7. 过午不食, no eating after noon, arrrgghhh, very hungry during sleepingleh....
8. 床褥厚度不过2寸, no sleep on bed that height more than 2 inches....

Besides that, our handphones and watchs were confiscated, these whole week live without time......arrrggggg?!?!?! Our sleeping place is a big CAMP, we sleep on wooden floor, oh so unbearable. Since our camp is located at mountain area, so there are damned freezing, and almost raining everydayleh....破屋更遭连夜雨!!!

Two meals everyday, Same type of food everyday, sleep at eleven and wake up at five, use salt to brush teeth, use cold water to bath, recite sutras at morning and evening, and one day have to spend at least 8 hours to study Lotus Sutra..... and so on, the life is so tortured... Hmm, honestly these kind of feelings all gone in second day when I was searching the way of truth.

Sadly, a lot of members went home on 2nd day, they could not stand this kind of environment, more terrible than Alaska or Sahara. Ya, some of them are not, Xi-mun Mandarin level failed to make her survive so she choose to leave... aarrggghh, those people are so unlucky because they miss the golden chance to learn Lotus Sutra.

I became Boy Room leader, no choice since I am the eldest there, and Kuan Ping was my assistant. Boys have 25 (Last day only remained 21), all of us slept in a big camp and we also have to guard the night 守夜 on given time.... 1st day just like a disaster for me, sigh!!!!

2nd day to 3rd day.....
The condition is getting better, my body and mind seem able to adapt in this critical circumstances, unfortunately few of them fled away. Kuan Ping and I become a great partners, we discussing all the time no matter history, politic, science, philosophy etc etc.... undoubt he is a genius, and a bit of arrogant. He also admitted, he has a younger brother, called Kuan Chin. This kid also very intelligent and cute, haha, this boy helped me a lot when we are stucked in forest.... Outdoor activities......hmmmm..... only 1 day, got wushu teaching, since everyday raining...

4th day to 6th day.....
Certainly, I am one of those who like to ask questions during sutra lessons...... Hours and hours reading sutra, listening those lecturers giving their ideas.....
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Last day.....
After days suffering, finally came to the last day----->
Survivor day..... All of us grouped into 5 teams, I am first team leader, Kuan Chin was in my group, today mission jungle trekking and mountain climbing. The location is Hulu Langat. Go by bus??? 你就想!!Walk to Hulu Langat from Ampang Tasek??? Yes! 有没有搞错!?!?! Few kilometres walking along highway, not only me, but 60 something people, just like massive evacuation...Haha.... Eventually, we reached the jungle side..... we walk.... we walk along the river, thousands of stone are our obstacles, but we fear not of it!!! Spending almost 2 hours wandering in this tropical forest, finally reached our camping place.

First time making fire to cook....
First time drinking those river water, damn!!! God knows whether bacteria freely??
First time climbing mountain, sooo exhausted.....
First time seeing tiger footprint, so scary.....

After finishing lunch, is time to 下山!!! But, not going together, but team by team, each team have to use their own method, use their way to return to our place. Shhttt.... Are you kidding?!?! This is so dangerous, we will be trapped in these gigantic forest....

As a leader, I am responsible to take my members out from this jungle safely, luckily Kuan Chin, he has lots of experince in jungle surviving. So we decided follow the river flowing.... 11 people, 3 boys 8 girls doing just like 'Survivor', searching their way out. Raining make the condition harder, the whole area suddenly becoming Amazon, I felt that menaces are everywhere.... we walk, we climb, we cross......
Blessingly, in the end, we still came out from the jungle.....

During in jungle, I suddenly found a thing, I don't know what is that, maybe this is the way of truth~~~~

An hour later, the camp finished.......

Arrggghhhh~~~~~~~ These 7 days are my great moment of my life, definitely..... I am waiting for next year~~~~