Finally, finally, finally~~~~ that is an ENDING... Today, really an exhausted and depleted day for me, what we prepared in this week, eventually came an ending. Emm.... Today's achievement is yesterday's sacrifice. Although today is not completely succeeded, at least it hit our target twice.
I would like to specially thanks to Hong Fai(Today Ceriathon Game Master), Kah Shiang and his dear helpful U6S1 companions (quite lots), Kevin, Xiang Wei, Lester, Vijay (really have to appreciate his energy that donated to that game), Pei Yoke, Chin Nee, and finally my CLASS COMRADES, the legend SanJay, Boon, Kenyz, Edmund, Khai Cheong, Waijin, Kok Keong and others. (too many, couldn't list out all) Thanks, THANKS a lot for your dedication to Form Six Council.... Your contributions are highly appreciated always...
I lost this week, but this is not too late to regain, sigh... Finally, I can start to study my lessons again...
There will a short break to this blog, so this blog will be deserted until end of this month.
In the name of Chinese Advancement,
In the name of my ancestors, the Han Emperors,
In the name of my future and my next generation,
In the name of my aspiration, Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere (GACPS),
In the name of Human Civilization Progress,
In the name of her...
I will be resurrected, to gain my victory and glory of the future, the Plan's name is [The Emperor Strike Back]....
欲生彼国者,当修三福: 一者,孝养父母,奉事师长,慈心不杀,修十善业。 二者,受持三归,具足众戒,不犯威仪。 三者,发菩提心,深信因果,读诵大乘,劝进行者。 如此三事,名为三世诸佛净业正因。
星期六, 四月 16, 2005
An Ending
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1 条评论:
Erm.. kai yit arh.. erm. no nid to thank me la. coz i oso din realli help out throughout the whole day.. juz know how to tegur u.. errm.. sorry arh.. i knew im quite annoying today ler. coz dat time im worryin the presents not enuff. realli damn scared coz still left few oni..
sorry sorry.. i nvr think of ur perspective.. see u so cham so busy oso scold u.. so bad la me.. erm.. amyway!!!!!!!!! well done kai yit!!!!!!!! we love u!!!!!
WORK HARD N JIA YOU!!! in ur studies!!