Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow are great days.
29 April--- an extraordinary day. Birthday of dear Waijin. So, wished her a happy and wonderful birthday.
30 April--- a great day to our world peace. This is a victory of freedom and justice, this day is 60 anniversary of the death of Adolf Hitler....
1 May--- the most meaningful and greatest day to all labours, workers, and entire proletariat class in this world. This is also a victory of humanity.... Our today achievement is because of the huge contribution of those diligent labours and workers. Do pay respect to them~~~
Today, MUET is quite challeging, but don't know why I am very enjoying during the exam.... although that is tough...
We always say "History is always repeated." Really, really, it is repeating!!! And made me recall something happend two years back... Today birthday celebration is much same as a birthday celebration when I was form 5, that time, I was celebrated together with my..... my "previous" by my classmates, sigh~~~ our birthdays also almost same (She is smaller than me a day) today~~~ Luckily, today classmates are not naughty as last time...
Still have 27 minutes to go!!! A neogenesis will happen in my mind and body, a drastic change of Arthurnonyx~~~ Salute!!!
欲生彼国者,当修三福: 一者,孝养父母,奉事师长,慈心不杀,修十善业。 二者,受持三归,具足众戒,不犯威仪。 三者,发菩提心,深信因果,读诵大乘,劝进行者。 如此三事,名为三世诸佛净业正因。
星期六, 四月 30, 2005
Great Days
星期六, 四月 16, 2005
An Ending
Finally, finally, finally~~~~ that is an ENDING... Today, really an exhausted and depleted day for me, what we prepared in this week, eventually came an ending. Emm.... Today's achievement is yesterday's sacrifice. Although today is not completely succeeded, at least it hit our target twice.
I would like to specially thanks to Hong Fai(Today Ceriathon Game Master), Kah Shiang and his dear helpful U6S1 companions (quite lots), Kevin, Xiang Wei, Lester, Vijay (really have to appreciate his energy that donated to that game), Pei Yoke, Chin Nee, and finally my CLASS COMRADES, the legend SanJay, Boon, Kenyz, Edmund, Khai Cheong, Waijin, Kok Keong and others. (too many, couldn't list out all) Thanks, THANKS a lot for your dedication to Form Six Council.... Your contributions are highly appreciated always...
I lost this week, but this is not too late to regain, sigh... Finally, I can start to study my lessons again...
There will a short break to this blog, so this blog will be deserted until end of this month.
In the name of Chinese Advancement,
In the name of my ancestors, the Han Emperors,
In the name of my future and my next generation,
In the name of my aspiration, Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere (GACPS),
In the name of Human Civilization Progress,
In the name of her...
I will be resurrected, to gain my victory and glory of the future, the Plan's name is [The Emperor Strike Back]....
星期五, 四月 15, 2005
With Pythagoras~
I looked at my watch, is 8:13pm, I was extremely shocked because I still at U6S1, darkness has conquered the whole alma mater at that time. I was not alone, but with a great friend. In my opinion, he is a smart and diligent manager, anything consequence, any possibility, any percentage, he already calculated in his mind. This is because he believes in ACCURACY. He is superb.
His name is Hong Fai 宏辉, I have to mention him because only both of us stayed until an hour before I typed this blog. 6 hours collaboration really a suffering and enjoying work, but from his face, I couldn't feel his tiredness. We did lots of wood works, saw this wood, hit this nail... My God, why am I so free?!?!
From our long conversation, I suddenly found that he looks like Pythagoras, his thinking exactly same as Pythagoras, I wondered he is the next life of Pythogoras. "Mathematic rules the Universe" Pythagoras said. "Maths is God" Hong Fai quoted. Wow... Maths, indeed, everything formed by maths, because of Maths, we created thing, also because of Maths, we devastated thing. Maths really powerful than God sometimes.... Wonderful, I also fall in love with Maths.
Today, I would like to thanks to my brethren, the legend SanJay, he spent his whole afternoon to assist me in drawing poster. And him, Hong Fai... A trusted associate.
星期四, 四月 14, 2005
Hall of Holy
This is my first time stepped into the hall of people(Dewan Rakyat), but I believed that my second step-in will not spend on an audience seat. To achieve this far far away dream, the first thing, I have to strenghten my bahasa and my body. In the hall, I saw him, giving a speech, short but interesting. He is MP from Ayer Hitam, I always appreciate him, because of him, I joined Cochraneans (Let me know lots of great friends, respected comrades and brethrens and my forever dream target~~~), also because of him, I nearly destroyed in loads of jobs. Hahaha, probably this is FATE....
Lawatan hari ini tamat dengan lancar, pelajar-pelajar juga puas hati, hati saya pun lega. Sigh, hari Sabtu ada Ceriathon lagi, sepanjang minggu ini saya tidak pernah membaca buku. Itulah nasibku, saya terpaksa menerimanya. Minggu depan, peperiksaan bermula, saya berjanji selepas hari Sabtu itu, saya mesti membangkit semula untuk mencapaikan kejayaan dulu saya.
A good new to our Asian, Japanese dream will always be DREAM!!! Japan now is facing a difficult struggle in way to UNSC permanent seat. From the reports, roughly 114 nations oppose plan of this rising sun islands. Lets hail to the victory of righteousness and justice. HAIL.....
星期三, 四月 13, 2005
Voice of People
Today, I am encountered a powerful resistance and strong objection from every classes. That's good sign, a sign of democratic, a voice of people, though this noice is terrible annoying....
Does the democratic system is better than a well-managed one-party run state?? Because of democracy, Iraq, now has transformed into a land that full with chaotic and disturbance; because of a moderate autocracy, China has joined the major powers of the world. Human heart is complex and hard to study, human is selfish and individualistic, different people definitely have different opinions.....
星期二, 四月 12, 2005
My dear companion (BoonBox, have to mention this, he did lots sacrifices to accompany me) with me and 'few' exco members went to a shirt making factory. We council decided to produce T shirt for every form six students or it can be said a little contribution to the sixth form....
Please leave your comments to this design, I will always appreciate....
Hari ini, akhirnya kempen anti-Jepun yang pertama di tanah air telah tercetus di Johor Bahru, ya, itu merupakan sesuatu tindakan yang patut digalakkan. Bukan di China dan Korea sahaja, penduduk-penduduk Asia, terutama yang ditakluk oleh tentera Jepun semasa perang dunia kedua, harus bergading bahu dan mengumpulkan seluruh kuasa untuk menentangkan kebangkitan semula Facism Jepun. Membatalkan tindakan Jepun bukan hal-hal orang China (Cina) dan Korea sahaja, kaum lain harus bertindak sekarang demi keselamatan dan kesucian dunia kita!!!!
星期一, 四月 11, 2005
Anger is arising~~
Yesterday, there was a outbreak of massive demonstration to Japanese government in Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, due to the irresponsible and arrogant attidude of Tokyo. Anti-Japan movements are found everywhere in China and Korea, since two nations with Japan have a disagreement on a disputed island each other and wartime history problems. My dearest comrade, please group our forces to stop the conspiracy of evil Japanese, or you will have same fate with ancestors in earlier 20th century.
Negara Jepun adalah negara yang bahaya, rakyat mereka telah dicemarkan oleh ideologi militarisme kuasa kanan, marilah kita menghentikan plot mereka yang jahanam itu.
星期日, 四月 10, 2005
Hardship in Learning
Belajar apa-apa benda atau teknik mesti akan menghadapi kesusahan. (Saya terpaksa mengguna bahasa nasional kita di sini, kerana semalam ada seorang Melayu terpaksa mengguna bahasa internasional berkommunikasi dengan saya.) Saya sedang belajar sesuatu teknik, tetapi guru saya menafikan cara belajar saya selama ini, menyebabkan hatiku menjadi sejuk:"Adakah selama-lama ini apa yang saya belajar adalah sesuatu bazir?" Nasib baik guru saya menukar pendiriannya, "asal kamu berasa selesa, ikutlah cara sendiri."
In few days really busy, really... I believed that what I do is worthy, and I am being activated since reappear of a power which I wished to regain it since a loong looong month ago.....
星期六, 四月 09, 2005
苏进强, look carefully is 苏进强, bukan 苏国强 yang duduk sebelah saya. Both doesn't have any relation because 苏进强 IS NOT A CHINESE ANYMORE!!! He is DISQUALIFIED!!!!
I am extremely furious!! My heart is undergoing a complete combustion, I am wondering why our Chinese have a lots of this kind of "eunuchs" (I have to call them "eunuchs" because they are not men, they are cowards...) they are traitors (汉奸), this guy 苏进强, Su Jin-Chiang is one of them (秦桧,吴三桂,汪精卫,李登辉), he did a 'cannot be forgiven' thing, that is GIVE A PRAYER TO YASUKUNI SHRINE THAT PLACED LOTS OF WAR CRIMINALS DURING SECOND WORLD WAR!!! Please remember his doggy face....
Ladies and Gentlemen, Read it:
Yea.... I always dislike Taiwanese, not because they are Taiwanese but they are "Taiwanese", we know, China got Han Chinese, Tibetan Chinese, Mongolian Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese and etc etc, but Taiwanese never said themself Chinese, they think that Taiwanese =/> Chinese, this is Illogical Assumption, because Taiwan island is an unseparable Chinese Territory, this is unchanging FACT... Do remember!!! Despite how pretty Lin Chiling is, no matter how well Jay Chou can sing, since Taiwan seperatists still exist, I will never welcome Taiwanese...
星期四, 四月 07, 2005
Language Dilemma
Saya terpaksa cakap bahasa di sini, sigh~ bahasa saya macam sampah!!! Arrgghhhh~~~ Kenapa?!?! Adakah saya orang Malaysia? Soalan itu selalu mengelirukan saya, itulah kesusahan kepada pelajar sekolah Cina. Saya selalu berasa bahasa kita seperti bahasa negara luar kepada saya. Sebenarnya, Saya sentiasa bangga menjadi seorang rakyat Malaysia walaupun kawan saya bukan fkir macam itu...
Ada beberapa cikgu Melayu selepas dengar bahasa saya, mereka bertanya:"Kamu dari sekolah mana?" Sigh... Saya berasa sangat malu, saya memalukan sekolah saya, Mr.Tan, maafkan saya. "Dari sekolah persendirian" bukan sesuatu alasan yang melindungi diri, tetapi itulah satu motif kepada saya untuk menjayakan bahasa saya. Orang lain kata:"Pelajar dari sekolah persendirian boleh menguasai ketiga-tiga bahasa dengan baik" Haha.... jangan kata bahasa Malaysia, kadang-kadang, ada orang juga tidak dapat berkommunikasi dalam bahasa Kantonis dengan baik (Saya adalah salah satu), tetapi orang yang tidak tahu bahasa Cina tentu akan rugi pada masa depan.... Haha!! Saya sangat bangga kerana saya mampu mencakap, menulis, membaca, mendengar dengan sangat profesional dalam bahasa yang digunakan oleh 1'380'000'000 orang di dunia... Wuahahaha....
Ok... change mode to English, this few days really busy with something, this is a hardship for me, sometimes my mind couldn't concentrate on studies. May God bless me, Allah bless me, Buddha bless me....Tomorrow, I will talk about a person, a shameful and shameless man in the world!! He is a SHAME of our Chinese...
Then, our biology presentation was extremely wonderful, recalling:"A long time ago inside a body union far, far away…. There was a group of civilians (mainly is fat and cholesterol ethnically) who dissatisfying the brutal rule of Empire of Heart, forming rebel alliance to overthrow the empire. The rebel forces grouping at an important transportation pathway, called coronary artery that connecting the empire and surrounding organ states, and interrupting the blood circulation oftentimes. Years by years, two parties failed to solve the problems on the table. Finally, the wars broke out. There were three famous heartic wars happened between imperial army of Heart and Rebels: Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension and Myocardiac Infarction...."
星期二, 四月 05, 2005
The New Hope
沧海一声笑,滔滔两岸潮,浮沉随浪记今朝。 苍天笑,纷纷世上潮,谁负谁胜出天知晓。 江山笑,烟雨摇,涛浪淘尽红尘俗事知多少。 清风笑,竟惹寂寥,豪情还剩了一襟晚照。 苍生笑,不再寂寥,豪情仍在痴痴笑笑。(Specially give to those who always sad and gloom, do laugh everyday.)
I always lack of confidence... I always self-discriminated.... I always proud of nothing..... I am too ordinary but I always wished to be 'extra'~ Sigh, I am not a intelligent student, never have a better physical outlook, worst in communicating, insufficient in leadership, skillless.... Just drop by to spread some rubbish, why I am I??? But, watashi wa saigo no hito desu!!! Deadline: end of this month~~~~
星期日, 四月 03, 2005
Finding a new way
My mind is totally confusing, pressure is hidden everywhere, life is killing me.... Sometimes, I failed to detect what am I doing at that time? Study STPM, maybe this is God arrangement(A quotation from my great teacher, CM Tan), or not I already finished up my UEC... everything happening without any sign.... Sometime, I recalled back, this is really scary!!! When I was in Senior middle two (Form 5), I already planned all the thing of the last year. But, surprisingly, the last day of form 5, my mind gone wrong unreasonably.... then I betrayed myself and a lot of teachers and friends.
Sigh, human being born to be pure. 人性本善(Confucius said) Environment plays a major role in construsting a human or any creature (sound similar to Darwin's Natural Adaptation)... That's why I am being constructed like that.
Everyday, think of STPM, think of club's funtions, think of her is a waste to my mind. I am finding a new way to meaningfullise my life. Embracing the the arising nationalism of Chinese is also not a good method, but this is a motivation, a power to make me exist to this world. When I wished to end my life, I will think that I haven't seen the coming age of Pax China, I haven't watched the reunification of Mainland and Taiwan, I haven't felt the glory of new oriental civilization, I haven't heard the apology from Japan!!! What for I decease now?!?!
Everyone have his or her living value, so am I. From now, I have a very clear mind, STPM is nothing more than 1 piece of toilet paper. I will become 大马十大杰青 within this 10 years or I specially named it last year "ADP3000 days"....(After Princess Departure)
星期六, 四月 02, 2005
To those who like to read "Detective Conan"......
Hayao Miyazaki, I think everyone known this guy, he is a great anime maker. Honestly, I am being fascinated greatly by his numerous masterpieces, such as Princess Mononoke, Laputa, Totoro, Naussica, Spirited Away and etc etc....
This song you listening is the main theme of Laputa.... or called "Castle of Sky", I really love the story, it talks about the journey of a young pilot with her girlfriend, a descendant of old Laputa(Princess Laputa), looking for a deserted castle of the sky, Laputa. My dearest comrades, you should have a watch to this anime...
Besides that, Princess Mononoke is also a wonderful anime.... Mr.Miyazaki, I always respect you although you are Japanese.... You did bring the happiness to our world. Thanks......
最近,刚公布的2004年大马教育文凭考试成绩中,有位马来女生勇夺17个A 1,不但成功刷新纪录,而且还震惊了全国,顿时成了老百姓们的热门话题。这项令人鼓舞的消息,不禁令人自问:“我国人民是不是越来越有智慧?人类的智慧是不是越来越进步?”
星期五, 四月 01, 2005
Why I want to restart this meaningless and pointless
blog? Why? Excuse me, emm... for me, streamyx is not a waste... at least I paid double eight for it.... sigh~~~~ Yesterday, it really unbelievable... I can sense although I haven't seen... I didn't see her facade, but I already known from behind, BUT, I am suffering a boycotting. What's that?!?! It seems I already 'addicted' too much..... arrggghhh.....Why??? I will never cease easily, I will be back!!!
Click for Music (Princess Mononoke)