1: Review the Danger in Envy & Jealousy like this:
'Ooh this is the very Acid eating up my mind from within... All Happiness is Destroyed!'
2: Know that Envy & Jealousy arise because one wants something that another has!
The aversion towards that person arise. Wanting (greed) is Craving towards an object.
Aversion (hate) is Craving away from an object. All forms of Craving causes Suffering!
Know that Envy & Jealousy is the proximate cause of Discontentment.
3: Envy & Jealousy is cured by rejoicing in other's success & gains: Mutual Joy! (Mudita)
'How good that this being, having done good in the past, now earns the well deserved fruit!!!'
Thus one substitutes an disadvantageous mental state with an advantageous mental state.
Know that Mutual Joy! (Mudita) is the proximate cause of Contentment.
4: Begin and Cultivate meditation on Infinite Mutual Joy:
Sit down a silent & empty place with closed eye and beam from this the heart:
'May I be successful, rich, beautiful, famous, intelligent, popular and praised!' then:
'May my friends be successful, rich, beautiful, famous, intelligent, popular and praised!'
'May my enemies be successful, rich, beautiful, famous, intelligent, popular and praised!'
'May all in this village be successful, rich, beautiful, famous, intelligent, popular and praised!'
'May all in this country be successful, rich, beautiful, famous, intelligent, popular and praised!'
'May all in this earth be successful, rich, beautiful, famous, intelligent, popular and praised!'
'May all in this galaxy be successful, rich, beautiful, famous, intelligent, popular and praised!'
'May all in this universe be successful, rich, beautiful, famous, intelligent, popular and praised!'
beaming this tender sympathy out from the heart first out in front, the right, left, back, above as
below, so gradually expanding up to and beyond the limitations of space and into the infinitude!!!
5: Keep on doing that 15-45 min every day. Note the difference in joyous mentality during the day!
May all beings rejoice in Mutual Joy celebrating all beings success, since any real progress is good
One should not despise giving.
One should neither envy others.
One who envy others cannot attain absorption and will never enter any concentrated trance.
Dhammapada 365