Lots of people say buddhism a backward religion, is a polytheism. And also say that buddhism has a lot of superstitious elements inside it. Saying a lot of unknown Sanskrit spell during praying and so on..... Normally people who say buddhism is superstitious because he himself not understand about buddhism...
Ok, repeat again. Buddhism is not religion, surely it is not polytheism or monotheism. Those sanskrit word is not spell, there are called MANTRA, although chinese translation is called 咒, more properly is called 真言 or 陀罗尼, for example most common one 大悲咒陀罗尼, i think buddhist should know this. Ok, Some people will ask (I asked before) why should I recite those unknown mantra? Are those mantra have their own meaning? If got why dun translate to our common language? why still remain as Sanskrit form? Ok, Mantra, actually have 2 types, 1st those mantras all are names of gods and ghost, 2nd mantras is buddha languages, definitely have their meaning, and we also can translate it to our language, but even how we translate we also can't bring the complete meaning of the mantra. This is because our wisdom have a great distance from buddha wisdom. So if you wanna know the meaning, you only can depend on your achievement.
Sometimes, I saw my relative put his TOTO number in front of a buddha sculpture, and ask that patung: Bless me, my buddha, hope this number, open tomorrow. Oh my god, this is a terrible misconception toward buddhism and that buddha sculpture. Because of this action, other people labelled buddhism as superstitious!!! First thing, you have to know one thing, that patung really is a PATUNG, is a sculpture that made by wood, soil and so on. Is buddha staying there?!?! Definitely not!!! That thing is totally non-organism, non-minded, is only just a patung. You may ask, if like that why we always pray in front of a patung???
To be continued.....
欲生彼国者,当修三福: 一者,孝养父母,奉事师长,慈心不杀,修十善业。 二者,受持三归,具足众戒,不犯威仪。 三者,发菩提心,深信因果,读诵大乘,劝进行者。 如此三事,名为三世诸佛净业正因。
星期四, 十二月 15, 2005
Ask from buddha???
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