I always admit that I have a superpowerful great language power in Mandarin Chinese, but I was totally wrong about my assumption~~~ I couldn't manage well my 'national' language in a conversation. Really incredible!!!!! In that time, my heart beat a speed that ever FAST in my life, lub-dub-lub-dub-lub-dub...(faster than ferrari), my hands shivering fast like I am staying in artic area.... Arrrgggghhhh~~~~
Tomorrow I have a Maths and Chemistry exams, but I am still writing here. Am I crazy? Probably....
Tomorrow is a great day~ May thirteen. To all Malaysians, please never forget what happened in 13-5-1969....
And finally, tomorrow also is a dear friend's birthday.... Happy Birthday~~~
欲生彼国者,当修三福: 一者,孝养父母,奉事师长,慈心不杀,修十善业。 二者,受持三归,具足众戒,不犯威仪。 三者,发菩提心,深信因果,读诵大乘,劝进行者。 如此三事,名为三世诸佛净业正因。
星期四, 五月 12, 2005
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