Master Sanjaya, the Legend. Yesterday night, there was a great moment happened on this planet: the 19 anniversaries of my comrade, Sanjaya. Happy birthday to him...
Therefore, his parents held a celebration for San. We, Boon, Kenny, Kemmaw, Xiangwei, Lester and I, six handsome guys had a wonderful and delicious BBQ dinner, which prepared by his mum, in San's house compound, we, plus San, seven future leaders had a looong conversation and chatting until midnight. Just like a gathering for old friends, this kind of moment, I like it!!!!!
Sanjaya, I know this guy since we were in lower six. Don't know why, just few days, we already became friends. Perhaps, in buddhism, this is the effect of a cause. For me, he is a trusted and helpful ally, and also a top-secret keeper. When I facing some difficulties, he is always the first who give me morally and mentally supports and definitely standing a sameline with me. During the school time, we have a lot of topics to discuss, to debate because we are sharing some similarities in our hobbies. I always treat him as a great brother, because I saw myself in his shadow.
Although he is not a Chinese, I always feel his strong chineseness, much greater than those 'banana', he has a lot of hidden ability, just like a jade that hidden in a stone..... I really hope that "long live our comradeship!!!"
From tomorrow onward, I will stop blogging, and maybe stop online for a week to purify my mind and reconstruct my body. See you.
欲生彼国者,当修三福: 一者,孝养父母,奉事师长,慈心不杀,修十善业。 二者,受持三归,具足众戒,不犯威仪。 三者,发菩提心,深信因果,读诵大乘,劝进行者。 如此三事,名为三世诸佛净业正因。
星期日, 十二月 18, 2005
Sanjaya Birthday Party
星期五, 十二月 16, 2005
星期四, 十二月 15, 2005
Ask from buddha???
Lots of people say buddhism a backward religion, is a polytheism. And also say that buddhism has a lot of superstitious elements inside it. Saying a lot of unknown Sanskrit spell during praying and so on..... Normally people who say buddhism is superstitious because he himself not understand about buddhism...
Ok, repeat again. Buddhism is not religion, surely it is not polytheism or monotheism. Those sanskrit word is not spell, there are called MANTRA, although chinese translation is called 咒, more properly is called 真言 or 陀罗尼, for example most common one 大悲咒陀罗尼, i think buddhist should know this. Ok, Some people will ask (I asked before) why should I recite those unknown mantra? Are those mantra have their own meaning? If got why dun translate to our common language? why still remain as Sanskrit form? Ok, Mantra, actually have 2 types, 1st those mantras all are names of gods and ghost, 2nd mantras is buddha languages, definitely have their meaning, and we also can translate it to our language, but even how we translate we also can't bring the complete meaning of the mantra. This is because our wisdom have a great distance from buddha wisdom. So if you wanna know the meaning, you only can depend on your achievement.
Sometimes, I saw my relative put his TOTO number in front of a buddha sculpture, and ask that patung: Bless me, my buddha, hope this number, open tomorrow. Oh my god, this is a terrible misconception toward buddhism and that buddha sculpture. Because of this action, other people labelled buddhism as superstitious!!! First thing, you have to know one thing, that patung really is a PATUNG, is a sculpture that made by wood, soil and so on. Is buddha staying there?!?! Definitely not!!! That thing is totally non-organism, non-minded, is only just a patung. You may ask, if like that why we always pray in front of a patung???
To be continued.....
相信认识我的人,都会说我是一位极端的民族主义者,什么都要以大中国的利益为主,而且非常讨厌日本人,好像与日本人有不共戴天之仇。唉~~~ 阿弥陀佛。幸好我的怨恚心已经彻彻底底地消除了,否则将来不知会发生什么事。。。善哉善哉~ 多谢伟松师兄。
星期三, 十二月 14, 2005
Buddhism misunderstanding
Buddhism is not a religion, i repeat.. Buddhism is NOT A RELIGION!!!! But it is teaching to correct people behavior and let us to discover the truth of universe and humanity 宇宙人生观. It just like Confucianism.... Everyone is future buddha, no matter you are christian, muslim, jews and so on... Because buddha is not a god-like creature, but he or she is a person who enlightened...
Does god exist in buddhism view?? Certainly. But you should know a thing the god in buddhism is totally different with other religion, because buddhism is generally regarded as a non-theistic "religion". Although it does teach the existence of “gods” (devas), these are merely heavenly beings who temporarily dwell in celestial worlds of great happiness. Such beings, however, are not eternal in that incarnational form and are subject to death and eventual rebirth into lower realms of existence.
In buddhism prospect, the creation of the universe is more pointed to the interconnected causes and effects rather than a work of a divine agent. But just REMEMBER!!!! Buddhism is not reject any religion teaching, because all religion are equal and actually came from a source.... I am not promoting buddhism, but wanna correct the misconception of buddhism from other people. The main teaching of buddhism recommended that a certain lifestyle or path be followed which consists of:
Right Understanding
Right Thought
Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood
Right Effort
Right Mindfulness
Right Concentration
九尾狐外传 Gumiho:The Forbidden Love~~~~~
贪~ 过去,我很贪图名利,爱出风头。
瞋~ 我是首号反日反美反台独分子,导致我心中对日本产生一种仇恨瞋恚心,罪过罪过~
痴~ 我曾经痴迷过一位女子。
慢~ 无可置疑,我是个傲慢心很重的人,民族优越感,独中我慢心很强。
疑~ 我以前对佛法抱着非常怀疑的态度。。。
星期日, 十二月 11, 2005
I found the way~~~
with Ignorance as condition, Mental Formations arise
with Mental Formations as condition, Consciousness arises
with Consciousness as condition, Name & Form arises
with Name & Form as condition, Sense Gates arises
with Sense Gates as condition, Contact arises
with Contact as condition, Feeling arises
with Feeling as condition, Craving arises
with Craving as condition, Clinging arises
with Clinging as condition, Becoming arises
with Becoming as a condition, Birth arises
with Birth as condition, Aging & Death arises
In this long holidays, I joined a buddhist learning camp at a buddist centre, Guang Hui Yuan 广慧缘 at Ampang Tasek there, I spent 7 days 6 nights (4 Dec to 10 Dec) there.... Ahhhh.... this is really very unforgettable wonderful moment in my life... I would like to share my great experiences to you all. Eventually, I found it, I found the way of truth. Previously, my mind was very confuse and ignorant, people said Bible is for Christian, Al-Quran is for Muslims, how about buddhists? But, now I got it, that is "Sutra on the White Lotus of the Sublime Dharma or Lotus Sutra", in Chinese called 大乘妙法莲华经, it also titled as 'ultimate of all sutras', is one of important sutras 经典 in Mahayana Buddhism 大乘佛法.
What is buddhism? Lots of people have misconception on buddhism, including buddhist themselves. First I wanna clarify that buddhism is not a religion but an education. Unlike Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, buddhism isn't a kind of RELIGION but EDUCATION, a true way of universe and humanity. I really hoped that everyone can correct your misunderstanding toward buddhism. So, I admit that I have NO religion but a buddhist....
OK...okokok..... Lets come to our topic: Buddhist Camp!!!
First Day, 4 Dec 2005. (Nazi Detention Camp)
My four cousin sisters and brothers and I reached there at 8 morning, then I saw some of my classmates, there are H'ng Ee, Sia Wei, and most surprisingly is I saw Loke Xi-mun, and some cochraneans, I believe one of them is Mr Tan (Head of SMK cochrane PIBG) daughter, so fimiliar. I also met a guy that I saw him in Yakin Tuition Centre previous day, but that time I didn't know his identity only can feel he is not a simple guy, Yes, my prediction is right. He is Ang Kuan Ping 洪广彬, form SMK Chung Hwa form six finished STPM as me, this guy really really.... hard to use word to describe his brain capacity. He is damnned brilliant, and weird too. His knowledge is hundreds times greater than mine. Ok, talk about first day.....
Regret. Disappointed. Sad. Boring. These are my feelings on 1st day, I should not join this camp..... Sigh. Why? because this camp has no any outdoor activities!!! Oh my god~~~ and then we have to follow 8 restrictions like those buddhist monks.
There are:
1. 不杀生, no killing....
2. 不邪淫, no sexual thinking....
3. 不偷盗, no stealing.....
4. 不饮酒, no alcohol.....
5. 不妄语, no saying nonsense, this is too hard for me....
6. 不用香物洗澡, no using fragrant oil or shampoo to bath....
7. 过午不食, no eating after noon, arrrgghhh, very hungry during sleepingleh....
8. 床褥厚度不过2寸, no sleep on bed that height more than 2 inches....
Besides that, our handphones and watchs were confiscated, these whole week live without time......arrrggggg?!?!?! Our sleeping place is a big CAMP, we sleep on wooden floor, oh so unbearable. Since our camp is located at mountain area, so there are damned freezing, and almost raining everydayleh....破屋更遭连夜雨!!!
Two meals everyday, Same type of food everyday, sleep at eleven and wake up at five, use salt to brush teeth, use cold water to bath, recite sutras at morning and evening, and one day have to spend at least 8 hours to study Lotus Sutra..... and so on, the life is so tortured... Hmm, honestly these kind of feelings all gone in second day when I was searching the way of truth.
Sadly, a lot of members went home on 2nd day, they could not stand this kind of environment, more terrible than Alaska or Sahara. Ya, some of them are not, Xi-mun Mandarin level failed to make her survive so she choose to leave... aarrggghh, those people are so unlucky because they miss the golden chance to learn Lotus Sutra.
I became Boy Room leader, no choice since I am the eldest there, and Kuan Ping was my assistant. Boys have 25 (Last day only remained 21), all of us slept in a big camp and we also have to guard the night 守夜 on given time.... 1st day just like a disaster for me, sigh!!!!
2nd day to 3rd day.....
The condition is getting better, my body and mind seem able to adapt in this critical circumstances, unfortunately few of them fled away. Kuan Ping and I become a great partners, we discussing all the time no matter history, politic, science, philosophy etc etc.... undoubt he is a genius, and a bit of arrogant. He also admitted, he has a younger brother, called Kuan Chin. This kid also very intelligent and cute, haha, this boy helped me a lot when we are stucked in forest.... Outdoor activities......hmmmm..... only 1 day, got wushu teaching, since everyday raining...
4th day to 6th day.....
Certainly, I am one of those who like to ask questions during sutra lessons...... Hours and hours reading sutra, listening those lecturers giving their ideas.....
Last day.....
After days suffering, finally came to the last day----->
Survivor day..... All of us grouped into 5 teams, I am first team leader, Kuan Chin was in my group, today mission jungle trekking and mountain climbing. The location is Hulu Langat. Go by bus??? 你就想!!Walk to Hulu Langat from Ampang Tasek??? Yes! 有没有搞错!?!?! Few kilometres walking along highway, not only me, but 60 something people, just like massive evacuation...Haha.... Eventually, we reached the jungle side..... we walk.... we walk along the river, thousands of stone are our obstacles, but we fear not of it!!! Spending almost 2 hours wandering in this tropical forest, finally reached our camping place.
First time making fire to cook....
First time drinking those river water, damn!!! God knows whether bacteria freely??
First time climbing mountain, sooo exhausted.....
First time seeing tiger footprint, so scary.....
After finishing lunch, is time to 下山!!! But, not going together, but team by team, each team have to use their own method, use their way to return to our place. Shhttt.... Are you kidding?!?! This is so dangerous, we will be trapped in these gigantic forest....
As a leader, I am responsible to take my members out from this jungle safely, luckily Kuan Chin, he has lots of experince in jungle surviving. So we decided follow the river flowing.... 11 people, 3 boys 8 girls doing just like 'Survivor', searching their way out. Raining make the condition harder, the whole area suddenly becoming Amazon, I felt that menaces are everywhere.... we walk, we climb, we cross......
Blessingly, in the end, we still came out from the jungle.....
During in jungle, I suddenly found a thing, I don't know what is that, maybe this is the way of truth~~~~
An hour later, the camp finished.......
Arrggghhhh~~~~~~~ These 7 days are my great moment of my life, definitely..... I am waiting for next year~~~~
星期六, 八月 27, 2005
我在高一开始接触韩剧,那时我记得是《冬季恋歌》,便与大韩民族结下了不解之缘,然后到往后的《蓝色生死恋》,《红豆女之恋》,《爱上女主播》(《夏娃的诱惑》)一直到近日的《天国的阶梯》,《浪漫满屋》和现在的《爱在哈佛》。韩剧的出现多多少少使这个世界变得精彩丰富。当然,天下并没有十全十美的东西,韩剧也是如此吧~ 但比起中港台和日剧更略胜一筹。
首先,先说说《浪漫满屋》吧。。我觉得《浪漫满屋》充满幻想主义,空想主义。剧中女主角,忽然间能和大明星结婚,同居在宫殿似的豪宅,然后浪漫收场。很乌托邦,直截了当一点:不切实际!! 这也反映了我们现代人现实生活上呆板无趣,情场上不满现状和惆怅的心态,和思想上对这类乌托邦式恋爱的憧憬吧!我并不是什么爱情专家,只是觉得这种成人童话故事能够在现今社会得到如此多的支持,也证明了资本主义制度下所带来枯燥生活以及读书考试工作结婚生子发富的不变模式。
嗯…… 《浪漫满屋》,顾名思义,一定很浪漫。但我觉得它的浪漫成份也不过是最后那几集罢了。再说,浪漫并不等于幸福,取名《幸福满屋》不是更好吗?FullHouse 幸福满屋,不是配搭上来得更好听吗?由此可见,现代人所热衷于追求浪漫,其次是幸福吧!哈哈……
-----UNIVERSITY 由你玩四年-----
爱在哈佛 到世界最高学府谈清说爱 2005/08/27
星期日, 八月 21, 2005
Beauty of Oriental
Okok, guys. Lets us continue our topic: The great difference between English and Chinese. As I mentioned in last post, English is infinite! Because a lot of words are only belonging to professional, no matter is Literature and Science. For examples, a student who researched English poem and literature will never able to read "The Origin of Life (C. Darwin)" or "The Theory of Relativity", same as us (maybe me only) also cannot read a Shakespeare's poem or even Lord of the Rings. That's why living in English world is so.... so... so helpless when no dictionary around you.
English is first dimensional(1D), is a line-form language, unlike Chinese! English also is a bunch of codes. Writing English is Coding, Reading English is Code-breaking!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, just imagine, if you change 'a,b,c,d,e' into '1,2,3,4,5', theoretically, english is just a group of CODES!!! For examples, cab can be written as 312, bad is 214 and so on. If using some pronounciation, there is nothing different between them!!!
Chinese is totally different with English. Chinese is second dimensional(2D), fully using the geometrical space of paper. EVERY CHINESE CHARACTER IS A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE!! That is so great what our ancestors have invented!! Ask you simple question, if get an information from a picture and code, which method is faster?? Hahahaha.... Chinese National Standard of anti-illiterate is knowing 1500 chinese characters, a requirement of university entry for normal science courses is just 2000 to 3000 characters, with this 3000 characters, everyone can study, read newspaper, do research easily and effectively. I think that I can manage more than 10000 characters...
But, but, in english world, if you don't know more than 20000 words, you will never read a STAR newspaper. If you english database is less than 30000 word, please forget about TIME. A normal graduate known at least 80000 words. Since the millions of new technology, new inventions appear in this era, our english dictionary is getting thicker and thicker......
星期五, 八月 19, 2005
Foreigner view to the East
老外眼中的《西游记》 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------瑞典一所乡村中学,一个老师正在上外国文学,有个学生请老师介绍一下中国的《西游记》,老师是这样向学生解释的:故事说的是一个中国的和尚去西方旅游的经历。这种旅游的性质实质是一种探险。他骑着一匹白色的马,带着一位名叫沙僧的仆人。为了打发旅途的寂寞,他还带了一只宠物猴和一头宠物猪上路。
一路上,这个和尚路过许多高山,渡过一些大河大川,受到许多惊吓。他走过名叫 火焰山的火山口,艳遇过一个只有女孩的女儿国。据说他带的猴子本领很大,一路上替他扫除许多障碍,其实不过是一只蝎子、两只蜈蚣、五只黄鼠狼、七只蜘蛛等而已,大的动物有一头牛、两只狮子和三匹狼。猴子还有一些让人不解的行为,比如一发火就烧,一路上烧了几个山洞、一棵柳树,还有几个漂亮的宫殿,还围着一堆白骨狠打许多遍才罢手。
Coding Civilization
I saw this article in a forum, I found that this is great and meaningful. Although the essay below has a little bit of language nationalism, I think this is reasonable and logical. Before I write, I wanna tell you all that I am not offend anyone, any country, or any civilization.
Ok, I still remembered, about 1960s to 1970s, a lot of professional pointed that Romanization is only surviving way of the Chinese Language, just like romanized Vietnamese. The main reason is the romanized script(e.g.english) can used in typing machine. Haha, now I recalled it, I think that's funny. Since the advancement of computer technology, Chinese character typing speed already faster than english, and in following years, the technique will be more convenient, more advanced, But English, I think still in stationary condition.
In the field of modern science, China has a lot of good reseachers and scientists, I didn't hear before anyone cannot do science reseach because of his or her chinese not so 'deep' or not so 'advance and accurate'. Without knowing english, Chinese still can sent people to outer space in accurate route, Chinese still can test a Nuclear weapon without any mistake. Every english material is able to be translated into Chinese. Besides that, Chinese global influence is getting stronger due to the arising of China national power.
English language has loads of disabities. In previous years, a lot of people (including those 'Banana-Chinese', yellow skin white soul) looked down ideogram-formed Chinese, insulting the language is ancient and outdated, just like those Egyptian hieroglyphics that extinct thousands years ago. But, in my point of view, english is 'ancient', no contributed to human neuron development, very troublesome and confusing or even worse than the old Egyptian script.
Our universe is infinite, is endless, so is the English language. English is so "powerful", so arrogant, tried to name all things, all creatures of the entire universe until, sadly, those extreme terrible words appear in dictionary, i.e. Floccinaucinihilipilification (把某事的价值加以抹杀的行为或习惯), Antidisestablishmentarianism (反对教会与国家分开学说), and Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (吸入硅酸盐细末或石英岩灰而形成的肺尘埃沉着病). The most most most looooongest words I ever seen is this: (For those medicine student, you are so unfortune)That is:
methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanylglutaminylleuc-yllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolyphenylalanylval-ythreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylserylleucyllysyl-isoleucylaspartylthreonylleucylisoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalanylasparthlalanylleuc-ylglutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolylphenylalanylserylaspartylprolylleucylalanylaspa-rtylglycylprolylthreonylisoleucylglutaminylaspfraginylalanylthreonylleucylarfinylala-nylphenylalanylalanylalanylglycylvalythreonylprolylalanylglutaminylcysteinylphenylal-anylglutamylmethionylleucylalanylleuoylisoleucylarginylglutaminyllysyhistidylprolylt-hreonylisoleucylprolylisoleucylglycylleucylmethionyltyrosylalanylasparaginylleucylva-lylphenylalanylasparaginyllysyglycylisoleucylaspartylglutamylphenylalanylthrosylalan-ylglutaminylcysteinylglutamyllysylvalylglycylvalylaspartylserylvalylleucylvalylalnyl-aspartylvalylprolylvalylglutaminylglutamylserylalanylprolylphenylalanylarginylglutam-inylalanylalanylleucylarginylhistidylasparaginyvalylalanylprolylisoleucylprolylisole-ucylphenylalanylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylcysteinylprolylprolylaspartylalanylasp-artylaspartylaspartylleucylleucylarginylglutaminylisoleucylalanylseryltyrosylglycyla-rginylglycyltyrosylthreonyltyrosylleucylleucylserylarginylalanylglycylvalylthreonylg-lycylalanylglutamylasparainylarginylalanylalanylleucylprolylleucylasparaginylhistidy-lleucylvalylalanyllysylleucyllysylglutamyltyrosylasparaginylalanylalanylprolylprolyl-leucylglutaminylglgycylphenylalanylglycylisoleucylserylalanylprolylaspartylglutaminy-lvalyllysylalanylalanylisoleucylaspartylalanylglycylalanylalanylglycylalanylisoleucy-lserylglycylserylalanylisoleucylvalyllysylisoieucylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylhistid-ylasparaginylisoleucylglutamylprolylglutamyllysylmethionylleucylalanylalanylleucylly-sylvalylphenylalanylcalylglutaminylprolylmethionlysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylseri-ne (1913 alphabets, 色氨酸合成酶a蛋白质(一种含有267种氨基酸酶)), That.....that's all the "word"....OH MY ALMIGHTY GOD!!! Okok gentlemen, take a deep deep brealth!! Haha, Those "Breathtaking" great words, you will never know the meaning, even you will not pronounce it nicely.
OkOk, too terrible, too scary, really cannot stand, so I will continue in following post. Good night!!
星期六, 八月 13, 2005
Finally finally, I can smell the fresh air. This is air of freedom after 5 days 'enemy' haze isolation strategy. Ahhh... Because of this stupid haze, made me cannot concentrate on my study (Lame Excuse), eventually I can start my revising... So romantic~~~
The sky is Blue again~~~
Look, above these news pictures have similarity! That's Haze Emergency. I found it in my storeroom, a memorable newspaper cutting when I was standard 5. This picture recorded that 19 September 1997, entire Sarawak went into Emergency condition as it API reached 835!!!! Is 835!!! Man, so terrible. Beside it is yesterday, Kuala Selangor(518) and Port Klang(525), both area are enforced by emergency order...
History always tell us that history is repeating time over time, and what human learned from history is: HUMAN LEARN NOTHING IN HISTORY. Sigh~~~
星期四, 八月 11, 2005
Hhhhh......H for???
H for what? When we were children, our teacher tought us H for house, H for horse... But, I will teach my younglings H for HAZE!!!!! Haze again!!! Since when, Mr. haze already became a part of our normal life. Everyear, I dare say that, everyear, our country is encountering the haze trouble. I wanna ask Our elected dear leaders, our chosen government, What are they doing right now?!?! Probably hide in somewhere to escape himself or herself from this man-made contamination.
Indons are bullshits!!! This is really unfortunate to have a neighbour like this. Burning something beside your house, and you just keep quiet until absorb too much those harmful gas and get lung cancer... Why our government didn't make any complaint to those hillpigs-Indons? Because of "Asean Spirit"? Indeed, Malaysian leaders are afraid of Jakarta, this is undeniable fact, I still remember last time, lots of activists protested in front of Malaysia Embassy, and they shouted, screamed, "Serang Malaysia." And our leaders just asked public and media to calm down and remain silent. Sigh.... I don't wanna say too many, in short, Indons is a cause of our country instability... These are works of brainless Indons!!!!
Dude, Do you know the reason of dinosour extinction? If you wanna know, please go out and stay there for 10 minutes, you will know!!! We are following the step of T-REX!!!
Another H.... is Allusjd Goed!!! Holland, the Netherlands. My Dutch auntie, uncle, my pretty cousin sister and cute cousin brother with their Mat Salih friends came to Malaysia last week. Ahh.... 4 years already didn't see them, time going so fast. Haha, a Dutch whiteman told me that Malaysia is the safest place in the world. Then, I gave him a 'unbelievable' look.... haha~~~ now I think he realized that his lungs no longer safe anymore in this land. Once my health getting better, I will stay there for couple of months. Ya, now I have to work hard hard to achieve my 'island'...
Today is 7th day of 7th lunar month, or Qixi. This day is Chinese Valentine Day, so I wished the lover of this world happy forever...
星期五, 八月 05, 2005
Everyone has his or her own island, so am I. But, I think my island is rather simple than other. But for me, it is a great dream for me, the thing I dream for decades. A lot of 'normalized' people seem first pail of golds, a PhD, a Dato, a pretty wife or a Benz as their island.
For me, those are nothing worth than rubbish although billions of human are trying to land this so-called 'The wonderful island'. Last Saturday, some of my friends and I went to watch a great, meaningful and marvellous movie that I ever watch in my 20-years life, "The Island". I love this show very very much, it has loads of philosophy of living, meaning of surviving and those have implanted in my mind. Everyone has his or her island, everyone fight for their island. But, what are they going to do when they realise their island actually just a wasteland which covered by thistles and thorns.
My island is simple, but hard, very hard to achieve. A normal and HEALTHY body. Haha, maybe you will said that we are already healthy, high achievement of medicine technology, no war, no plague, what are we worrying of?? Ya, you are right. But, for me, I never think like that. A lot of people might say I am joking when I saying my legs pain or my kidney is not well, and their way of saying are arrogant and make me uneasy. When I was small, I already disliked 'Doctor' this term, because for me they are a capitalism-creature which only want to clear his stock and enlarge his capital storage, so simply ask for operation, force you to swollen all of useless pill eventhough sometime you are healthier than he! I am bored when I saw a doctor.
Some of my close friends known I cannot let a freezing substance touch my mouth or my throat, because it will lead a cascade effect of devastation in my respiration organs. That's why, I have never drink any cold water for 8 years!!! (Ya, sometime I will do it secretly to fulfill my jealosy, now i really stopped until~~~ unknown) My lungs have a critical problem (Doc: Imcomplete Development) since I was 12 make me cough and flu all the day all the time and asthma. Then, I learned swimming, thanks god, the condition was being better and have not been cured entirely.
That time, western technique was useless to save me, so I was brought to some Chinese herbalist. They said that my stomach is my main source of my sickness, and affected my lungs working and also said my body are hurt internally and that also my main reason of my skinny and bony body (My self-esteem was extremely low because of my skeleton-like muscleless body, I was shame and sometimes I was wearing shirt when I swimming although my swimming skill is well). And, they advised me to less eating meat. Numerous of remedies were 'experimented' in my body, like a guinea pig. My body sometimes better sometimes worse, the root of my illness have not been destroyed. Last year, doctor warmed me that my liver and kidney are relatively 'weak' and ask me not to drink Coke and other gaseous liquid until the condition is clear. Besides my internal organ, my eyes and legs have some problem, but my lung, my kidney, my stomach and my liver are my priority in battling my sicknesses.
Sigh.... I am talking too much rubbish. Haha, dun be so worry, dude, at least I am surviving.
The glory record I achieved in fighting my illness is I have No flu anymore. Flu-free!!!! Haha, fighted for 8 years, finally gained the victory. I believed that I will defeat all my enemy in the near future and make a beautiful landing to my island. May the force be with me. My another island... Emmm.... I will try my best to persevere my health for the sake of my another island, another dream of my dear...
If you gave me no A or all fail in STPM and a healthy body, I will agreed without any thinking, because HEALTH IS WEALTH!!!
星期一, 五月 30, 2005
Negotiation done!!
Aaarrggghhh, finally, eventually, lastly, the problem solved entirely. This is really a hardship for me. So now, the form six t-shirt is like that:
Firstly, I have to thanks to my two great and powerful tailors who assisted me at negotiation, they are my dear mummie and my dear auntie.... Secondly, is Kenny and his brother Henry~~ Thirdly, and my comrades of form six council that always reinforce me all the time, they are Hong Fai, Kevin, Chin Nee, Pei Yoke..... etc etc, Lastly, My U6S2 allies, and my dear sister Wei Zi.....
So, now everything already settled, every form six have to buy.... No matter you support or not, you have to buy also... Our form six council already done our job, tried our best already, the colour changed to superblack from that ugly shitty brown... Now, is your turn to show your responsibility!!!!
星期五, 五月 27, 2005
Finally Orientation Week for lower six is already ended, but another problem occurs!!! That stupid stupid T-shirt, is killing me!!! Sux!!!!
The negotiation is failed, I don't know what am I going to do?
星期五, 五月 20, 2005
Historical Landing
ComRade, you are right. My blog really getting deviated from the main theme --- A response to Current issue....
From now onwards, I will not touch more about my personal thinking and life because this is totally meaingless. Lien Chan 连战 and James Soong 宋楚瑜 did a great job, they are pioneers of peace. Last month, presidents of two major opposition parties of Taiwan island, Kuomintang/Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and People First Party (PFP) successfully landed on another shore of the strait, and created a whole new hope to entire Chinese. As already known, CCP(Chinese Communist Party) is the rival of KMT since 1928, both of them have been fighting with other for decades. But, this peaceful visit of Lien has let the people see the ray of hope, especially that two pandas, a sign of peace and harmony. His visit to Beijing Government not only brought back two cute fat pandas, but also a lot of benefits, such as more than 10 agricultural product will be sold in Mainland, and Beijing also cancelled certain tour restrictions in order to make the people flowing between Mainland and Island become more easily....
Motherland haven't been reunified yet, son of the yellow emperor have to work hard to achieve our nation dream. Hu Jintao is great politician, he did well in handling this remaining problems of 1949 civil war. I hoped that, within this 5 years, Taiwan and Mainland will be reunified....
Besides Lien and Soong, I myself also made a historical landing.... Hoped I can land on it forever....
Next blog, I will touch on the communism, Comrade, hope you can release your unique points of view....
星期四, 五月 12, 2005
I always admit that I have a superpowerful great language power in Mandarin Chinese, but I was totally wrong about my assumption~~~ I couldn't manage well my 'national' language in a conversation. Really incredible!!!!! In that time, my heart beat a speed that ever FAST in my life, lub-dub-lub-dub-lub-dub...(faster than ferrari), my hands shivering fast like I am staying in artic area.... Arrrgggghhhh~~~~
Tomorrow I have a Maths and Chemistry exams, but I am still writing here. Am I crazy? Probably....
Tomorrow is a great day~ May thirteen. To all Malaysians, please never forget what happened in 13-5-1969....
And finally, tomorrow also is a dear friend's birthday.... Happy Birthday~~~
星期四, 五月 05, 2005
I wished to yell as loud as I could:"Why!!!" Life is full of pressure and pleasure. Today is 050505, nothing special at all~~~
星期三, 五月 04, 2005
Indestructible Alliance
Imperial Seal, finally the Exiled Emperor have his own seal. The world will return to His majesty....
Today is 4th of May, is a great day for our Chinese (Although lots of us will never know...), today is 86 anniversary of 新文化运动 modern cultural movement, that happened at 4-5-1919. This day, this happening has change China, China has moved to a modern nation from a conservative feudalist state. Modern Mandarin is started to be used in that time....
Today, I felt very touching because a trusted ally give me a great and unforgettable gift to me, an imperial seal. Thanks Kok Keong, and I always appreciate it in the rest of my life. And also apologise for my faults I did, really very sorry....
You are my trusted ally, truly~~~
星期日, 五月 01, 2005
A new genesis of Liew Kai Yit!!! Happy 19th anniversary of his powerful formation~~~~
He, Liew Kai Yit, undoubtedly, is the most influential great man in the world of future~~~
星期六, 四月 30, 2005
Great Days
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow are great days.
29 April--- an extraordinary day. Birthday of dear Waijin. So, wished her a happy and wonderful birthday.
30 April--- a great day to our world peace. This is a victory of freedom and justice, this day is 60 anniversary of the death of Adolf Hitler....
1 May--- the most meaningful and greatest day to all labours, workers, and entire proletariat class in this world. This is also a victory of humanity.... Our today achievement is because of the huge contribution of those diligent labours and workers. Do pay respect to them~~~
Today, MUET is quite challeging, but don't know why I am very enjoying during the exam.... although that is tough...
We always say "History is always repeated." Really, really, it is repeating!!! And made me recall something happend two years back... Today birthday celebration is much same as a birthday celebration when I was form 5, that time, I was celebrated together with my..... my "previous" by my classmates, sigh~~~ our birthdays also almost same (She is smaller than me a day) today~~~ Luckily, today classmates are not naughty as last time...
Still have 27 minutes to go!!! A neogenesis will happen in my mind and body, a drastic change of Arthurnonyx~~~ Salute!!!
星期六, 四月 16, 2005
An Ending
Finally, finally, finally~~~~ that is an ENDING... Today, really an exhausted and depleted day for me, what we prepared in this week, eventually came an ending. Emm.... Today's achievement is yesterday's sacrifice. Although today is not completely succeeded, at least it hit our target twice.
I would like to specially thanks to Hong Fai(Today Ceriathon Game Master), Kah Shiang and his dear helpful U6S1 companions (quite lots), Kevin, Xiang Wei, Lester, Vijay (really have to appreciate his energy that donated to that game), Pei Yoke, Chin Nee, and finally my CLASS COMRADES, the legend SanJay, Boon, Kenyz, Edmund, Khai Cheong, Waijin, Kok Keong and others. (too many, couldn't list out all) Thanks, THANKS a lot for your dedication to Form Six Council.... Your contributions are highly appreciated always...
I lost this week, but this is not too late to regain, sigh... Finally, I can start to study my lessons again...
There will a short break to this blog, so this blog will be deserted until end of this month.
In the name of Chinese Advancement,
In the name of my ancestors, the Han Emperors,
In the name of my future and my next generation,
In the name of my aspiration, Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere (GACPS),
In the name of Human Civilization Progress,
In the name of her...
I will be resurrected, to gain my victory and glory of the future, the Plan's name is [The Emperor Strike Back]....
星期五, 四月 15, 2005
With Pythagoras~
I looked at my watch, is 8:13pm, I was extremely shocked because I still at U6S1, darkness has conquered the whole alma mater at that time. I was not alone, but with a great friend. In my opinion, he is a smart and diligent manager, anything consequence, any possibility, any percentage, he already calculated in his mind. This is because he believes in ACCURACY. He is superb.
His name is Hong Fai 宏辉, I have to mention him because only both of us stayed until an hour before I typed this blog. 6 hours collaboration really a suffering and enjoying work, but from his face, I couldn't feel his tiredness. We did lots of wood works, saw this wood, hit this nail... My God, why am I so free?!?!
From our long conversation, I suddenly found that he looks like Pythagoras, his thinking exactly same as Pythagoras, I wondered he is the next life of Pythogoras. "Mathematic rules the Universe" Pythagoras said. "Maths is God" Hong Fai quoted. Wow... Maths, indeed, everything formed by maths, because of Maths, we created thing, also because of Maths, we devastated thing. Maths really powerful than God sometimes.... Wonderful, I also fall in love with Maths.
Today, I would like to thanks to my brethren, the legend SanJay, he spent his whole afternoon to assist me in drawing poster. And him, Hong Fai... A trusted associate.
星期四, 四月 14, 2005
Hall of Holy
This is my first time stepped into the hall of people(Dewan Rakyat), but I believed that my second step-in will not spend on an audience seat. To achieve this far far away dream, the first thing, I have to strenghten my bahasa and my body. In the hall, I saw him, giving a speech, short but interesting. He is MP from Ayer Hitam, I always appreciate him, because of him, I joined Cochraneans (Let me know lots of great friends, respected comrades and brethrens and my forever dream target~~~), also because of him, I nearly destroyed in loads of jobs. Hahaha, probably this is FATE....
Lawatan hari ini tamat dengan lancar, pelajar-pelajar juga puas hati, hati saya pun lega. Sigh, hari Sabtu ada Ceriathon lagi, sepanjang minggu ini saya tidak pernah membaca buku. Itulah nasibku, saya terpaksa menerimanya. Minggu depan, peperiksaan bermula, saya berjanji selepas hari Sabtu itu, saya mesti membangkit semula untuk mencapaikan kejayaan dulu saya.
A good new to our Asian, Japanese dream will always be DREAM!!! Japan now is facing a difficult struggle in way to UNSC permanent seat. From the reports, roughly 114 nations oppose plan of this rising sun islands. Lets hail to the victory of righteousness and justice. HAIL.....
星期三, 四月 13, 2005
Voice of People
Today, I am encountered a powerful resistance and strong objection from every classes. That's good sign, a sign of democratic, a voice of people, though this noice is terrible annoying....
Does the democratic system is better than a well-managed one-party run state?? Because of democracy, Iraq, now has transformed into a land that full with chaotic and disturbance; because of a moderate autocracy, China has joined the major powers of the world. Human heart is complex and hard to study, human is selfish and individualistic, different people definitely have different opinions.....
星期二, 四月 12, 2005
My dear companion (BoonBox, have to mention this, he did lots sacrifices to accompany me) with me and 'few' exco members went to a shirt making factory. We council decided to produce T shirt for every form six students or it can be said a little contribution to the sixth form....
Please leave your comments to this design, I will always appreciate....
Hari ini, akhirnya kempen anti-Jepun yang pertama di tanah air telah tercetus di Johor Bahru, ya, itu merupakan sesuatu tindakan yang patut digalakkan. Bukan di China dan Korea sahaja, penduduk-penduduk Asia, terutama yang ditakluk oleh tentera Jepun semasa perang dunia kedua, harus bergading bahu dan mengumpulkan seluruh kuasa untuk menentangkan kebangkitan semula Facism Jepun. Membatalkan tindakan Jepun bukan hal-hal orang China (Cina) dan Korea sahaja, kaum lain harus bertindak sekarang demi keselamatan dan kesucian dunia kita!!!!
星期一, 四月 11, 2005
Anger is arising~~
Yesterday, there was a outbreak of massive demonstration to Japanese government in Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, due to the irresponsible and arrogant attidude of Tokyo. Anti-Japan movements are found everywhere in China and Korea, since two nations with Japan have a disagreement on a disputed island each other and wartime history problems. My dearest comrade, please group our forces to stop the conspiracy of evil Japanese, or you will have same fate with ancestors in earlier 20th century.
Negara Jepun adalah negara yang bahaya, rakyat mereka telah dicemarkan oleh ideologi militarisme kuasa kanan, marilah kita menghentikan plot mereka yang jahanam itu.
星期日, 四月 10, 2005
Hardship in Learning
Belajar apa-apa benda atau teknik mesti akan menghadapi kesusahan. (Saya terpaksa mengguna bahasa nasional kita di sini, kerana semalam ada seorang Melayu terpaksa mengguna bahasa internasional berkommunikasi dengan saya.) Saya sedang belajar sesuatu teknik, tetapi guru saya menafikan cara belajar saya selama ini, menyebabkan hatiku menjadi sejuk:"Adakah selama-lama ini apa yang saya belajar adalah sesuatu bazir?" Nasib baik guru saya menukar pendiriannya, "asal kamu berasa selesa, ikutlah cara sendiri."
In few days really busy, really... I believed that what I do is worthy, and I am being activated since reappear of a power which I wished to regain it since a loong looong month ago.....
星期六, 四月 09, 2005
苏进强, look carefully is 苏进强, bukan 苏国强 yang duduk sebelah saya. Both doesn't have any relation because 苏进强 IS NOT A CHINESE ANYMORE!!! He is DISQUALIFIED!!!!
I am extremely furious!! My heart is undergoing a complete combustion, I am wondering why our Chinese have a lots of this kind of "eunuchs" (I have to call them "eunuchs" because they are not men, they are cowards...) they are traitors (汉奸), this guy 苏进强, Su Jin-Chiang is one of them (秦桧,吴三桂,汪精卫,李登辉), he did a 'cannot be forgiven' thing, that is GIVE A PRAYER TO YASUKUNI SHRINE THAT PLACED LOTS OF WAR CRIMINALS DURING SECOND WORLD WAR!!! Please remember his doggy face....
Ladies and Gentlemen, Read it:
Yea.... I always dislike Taiwanese, not because they are Taiwanese but they are "Taiwanese", we know, China got Han Chinese, Tibetan Chinese, Mongolian Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese and etc etc, but Taiwanese never said themself Chinese, they think that Taiwanese =/> Chinese, this is Illogical Assumption, because Taiwan island is an unseparable Chinese Territory, this is unchanging FACT... Do remember!!! Despite how pretty Lin Chiling is, no matter how well Jay Chou can sing, since Taiwan seperatists still exist, I will never welcome Taiwanese...
星期四, 四月 07, 2005
Language Dilemma
Saya terpaksa cakap bahasa di sini, sigh~ bahasa saya macam sampah!!! Arrgghhhh~~~ Kenapa?!?! Adakah saya orang Malaysia? Soalan itu selalu mengelirukan saya, itulah kesusahan kepada pelajar sekolah Cina. Saya selalu berasa bahasa kita seperti bahasa negara luar kepada saya. Sebenarnya, Saya sentiasa bangga menjadi seorang rakyat Malaysia walaupun kawan saya bukan fkir macam itu...
Ada beberapa cikgu Melayu selepas dengar bahasa saya, mereka bertanya:"Kamu dari sekolah mana?" Sigh... Saya berasa sangat malu, saya memalukan sekolah saya, Mr.Tan, maafkan saya. "Dari sekolah persendirian" bukan sesuatu alasan yang melindungi diri, tetapi itulah satu motif kepada saya untuk menjayakan bahasa saya. Orang lain kata:"Pelajar dari sekolah persendirian boleh menguasai ketiga-tiga bahasa dengan baik" Haha.... jangan kata bahasa Malaysia, kadang-kadang, ada orang juga tidak dapat berkommunikasi dalam bahasa Kantonis dengan baik (Saya adalah salah satu), tetapi orang yang tidak tahu bahasa Cina tentu akan rugi pada masa depan.... Haha!! Saya sangat bangga kerana saya mampu mencakap, menulis, membaca, mendengar dengan sangat profesional dalam bahasa yang digunakan oleh 1'380'000'000 orang di dunia... Wuahahaha....
Ok... change mode to English, this few days really busy with something, this is a hardship for me, sometimes my mind couldn't concentrate on studies. May God bless me, Allah bless me, Buddha bless me....Tomorrow, I will talk about a person, a shameful and shameless man in the world!! He is a SHAME of our Chinese...
Then, our biology presentation was extremely wonderful, recalling:"A long time ago inside a body union far, far away…. There was a group of civilians (mainly is fat and cholesterol ethnically) who dissatisfying the brutal rule of Empire of Heart, forming rebel alliance to overthrow the empire. The rebel forces grouping at an important transportation pathway, called coronary artery that connecting the empire and surrounding organ states, and interrupting the blood circulation oftentimes. Years by years, two parties failed to solve the problems on the table. Finally, the wars broke out. There were three famous heartic wars happened between imperial army of Heart and Rebels: Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension and Myocardiac Infarction...."
星期二, 四月 05, 2005
The New Hope
沧海一声笑,滔滔两岸潮,浮沉随浪记今朝。 苍天笑,纷纷世上潮,谁负谁胜出天知晓。 江山笑,烟雨摇,涛浪淘尽红尘俗事知多少。 清风笑,竟惹寂寥,豪情还剩了一襟晚照。 苍生笑,不再寂寥,豪情仍在痴痴笑笑。(Specially give to those who always sad and gloom, do laugh everyday.)
I always lack of confidence... I always self-discriminated.... I always proud of nothing..... I am too ordinary but I always wished to be 'extra'~ Sigh, I am not a intelligent student, never have a better physical outlook, worst in communicating, insufficient in leadership, skillless.... Just drop by to spread some rubbish, why I am I??? But, watashi wa saigo no hito desu!!! Deadline: end of this month~~~~
星期日, 四月 03, 2005
Finding a new way
My mind is totally confusing, pressure is hidden everywhere, life is killing me.... Sometimes, I failed to detect what am I doing at that time? Study STPM, maybe this is God arrangement(A quotation from my great teacher, CM Tan), or not I already finished up my UEC... everything happening without any sign.... Sometime, I recalled back, this is really scary!!! When I was in Senior middle two (Form 5), I already planned all the thing of the last year. But, surprisingly, the last day of form 5, my mind gone wrong unreasonably.... then I betrayed myself and a lot of teachers and friends.
Sigh, human being born to be pure. 人性本善(Confucius said) Environment plays a major role in construsting a human or any creature (sound similar to Darwin's Natural Adaptation)... That's why I am being constructed like that.
Everyday, think of STPM, think of club's funtions, think of her is a waste to my mind. I am finding a new way to meaningfullise my life. Embracing the the arising nationalism of Chinese is also not a good method, but this is a motivation, a power to make me exist to this world. When I wished to end my life, I will think that I haven't seen the coming age of Pax China, I haven't watched the reunification of Mainland and Taiwan, I haven't felt the glory of new oriental civilization, I haven't heard the apology from Japan!!! What for I decease now?!?!
Everyone have his or her living value, so am I. From now, I have a very clear mind, STPM is nothing more than 1 piece of toilet paper. I will become 大马十大杰青 within this 10 years or I specially named it last year "ADP3000 days"....(After Princess Departure)
星期六, 四月 02, 2005
To those who like to read "Detective Conan"......
Hayao Miyazaki, I think everyone known this guy, he is a great anime maker. Honestly, I am being fascinated greatly by his numerous masterpieces, such as Princess Mononoke, Laputa, Totoro, Naussica, Spirited Away and etc etc....
This song you listening is the main theme of Laputa.... or called "Castle of Sky", I really love the story, it talks about the journey of a young pilot with her girlfriend, a descendant of old Laputa(Princess Laputa), looking for a deserted castle of the sky, Laputa. My dearest comrades, you should have a watch to this anime...
Besides that, Princess Mononoke is also a wonderful anime.... Mr.Miyazaki, I always respect you although you are Japanese.... You did bring the happiness to our world. Thanks......
最近,刚公布的2004年大马教育文凭考试成绩中,有位马来女生勇夺17个A 1,不但成功刷新纪录,而且还震惊了全国,顿时成了老百姓们的热门话题。这项令人鼓舞的消息,不禁令人自问:“我国人民是不是越来越有智慧?人类的智慧是不是越来越进步?”
星期五, 四月 01, 2005
Why I want to restart this meaningless and pointless
blog? Why? Excuse me, emm... for me, streamyx is not a waste... at least I paid double eight for it.... sigh~~~~ Yesterday, it really unbelievable... I can sense although I haven't seen... I didn't see her facade, but I already known from behind, BUT, I am suffering a boycotting. What's that?!?! It seems I already 'addicted' too much..... arrggghhh.....Why??? I will never cease easily, I will be back!!!
Click for Music (Princess Mononoke)
星期四, 三月 31, 2005
Where there is a beginning, there is an ending. Everything in this world, no matter how stong, how powerful they are, could not escape from ending, for instance, great T-rex which once dominated our world was extinct 65 MYA.
My 9-days vacation ended in nothing, sigh.... My time flowing as fast as wasted water... As a Chinese, I would like to use my native language to express my final feeling on this site. 人世几回伤往事,山形依旧枕寒流。
那,怨憎会呢?爱别离呢?求不得呢?Who can overcome these soreness.... sigh~~~
This blog is soon to be deserted, or probably be destructed. Thanks for those who read this blog, viewed my feeling, given supports... I always appreciate you guys. After I finished this, it meant I have no related to my previous post, I am completed reconstructed...
I have a dream. In a new morning of the world, birds sing happily, flower blossoming, everyone live in peace and hormony with their beloved, no grief, no sorrow, no war forever.... Good bye.....
Superiority and Supremacy
In the age of imperialism and colonialism, white men always thought they are more superior than other races, that's why they conquered everywhere to 'civilise' those 'non-white barbarian', they are white supremacists....
Everyone would also known, in the past centuries, we Chinese had this kind of thinking too, we called it 'Empire minded' (Oriental Superiority) or in Mandarin called 天朝心态, it meant that people who in Central Empire(China) are civilised, otherwise are barbaric. Unbelievably, this thinking has already endured for 2000 years (unbeatable for 2000 years) until AD 1840, the broke off of Anglo-China Opium War, our ancestor defeated, and that thinking suddenly cracked into pieces, and that's why I am here. But a 2000 years thinking will never be destroyed easily, nowsaday, there still have lots of people failed to eliminate this bad thinking, sadly, I am one of them.....
I admit that I am an extreme xenophobic nationalist, aaarrgghhh..... This mental disorderity is really uncurable, the root is too deep, I wished that I can forget what I read in my childhood.... If this weirld sickness cannot be cured, I will not survive in this coming era of globalisation..... Despite I have to pay how much effort to reconstruct my soul, I promised I will success, definitely.....
Galapagos and Kaiyit
What is Galapagos? What is Kaiyit? Are they same? No one could answer the question, neither do they. Charles Darwin, a great biologist, who released a new worldwide view of our world, the evolution, from the history, the captain of HMS Beagle, let him to join the fleet actually wished him to find some biblical account of creation. But, the result is completely opposite....
A great discovery of this biologist is Galapagos island, because this isolated island is a living evidence to his hypothesis. This small island (actually is combined-land) was disintegrated from South America continental due to an explosion of volcano in pre-historic time. Therefore, those organism who living on this island is totally lost contact to the mainland. So, how can they survive in that hard condition? The answer is self-modification over million years and years in order to adapt these crucial circumstances--- or generally named 'Evolution', for examples, marine iuguana...
Galapagos is an attracting island, one day, I will go there to have a view to the scene of natural power---desire for surviving.....
Japanese and Chinese
Japanese and Chinese are same. Not exceeding 5 seconds, both sides will shout as loud and fierce as they could:"Your idiot, not same not same!!!" In fact, they are phenotypically identical and culturally similar. But, they still are not the same. From history, most of Japan culture and language are imported from China, but in late 19th century, mostly you all don't know, a lot of Kanji (Japanese Chinese Character) are ultilised in modern Mandarin language.
As we known, although China and Japan is a 'close relative and neighbour' but their relationship is terribly worse. Mainly, is due to history of both countries and a disputed island. In 13 December 1937, Japan launched a massacre on Chinese civilians in Nanjing, slaughtered 300000 innocents of the city, this incident is called 'Rape of Nanking (old name of Nanjing)'. This is a truth, but Japanese authority bullshited:"This is bullshit" and don't want to recognize their old old old mistake. German and France are rival for centuries, but German apologized deeply, and always remembered. That's why, France and German now are friends, become codominant power in Europe. Unlike Japan, besides changing the fact in their history textbooks, and their prime minister often visit that Yasukuni Shrine to give a prayer to those war criminals!!! This is unbearable for Chinese.....
I will write more on my following blog. This year is the 60 anniversary of Axis (German, Italy and Japan) Defeated 1945.... Peace!!!!
Final Destination
When you have a chance to read this, I already became the real Kai Yit. Everyone is unique and different, so am I. Although Kai Yit is an urgly Chinaman, distorted creature, ancient idiot, or even alien, whilst it doesn't matter, I already discovered myself. Now in the name of Chinese Civilization, in the name of future, in the name of my beloved, I will become more powerful, stronger, to achieve my aspirations, to fulfil my ambitions.....
First and foremost, I already made up my mind, I want to do something great in my limited life. Within this ten years, I will become a great man, trust me!!! From tomorrow onward, ball is returned to my hand. Sometime, it is necessary to kill today in order to save tomorrow, then, I killed. I am victorious!!! 'Watashi wa shouri no desu'!!!
The Real Star War
A long long time ago in the galaxy far far away..... That is an empire, her name called USA... One day, Osama bin Skywalker with his dearest alliance, Han Omar are having a struggle with Imperial F-18, B-52 stormtroopers at a desert planet. They simply lebelled themselves 'Justice frightes' but emperor Bush given them a name 'Terrorist to Justice'.... They fight, fight over years and years..... to be concluded...
Liew the Distorted
Korean and Japanese started a arguement on a disputed island(Korean Dokdo or Japanese Takeshima). A Korean cut off his finger in front of Japanese embassy to show his dissatified feeling to his neighbour, that's why I always respect Korean.
Kaiyit, sometime I always suspend on this distorted creature, is it belonged to this era? Sigh, friends said like that, suddenly made my heart down, although I am a right man, whilst I am not standing at the right 'time' at the right 'place'. I am not supposed born in 1986, but 1896, and not Tanah Melayu but Great Qing Empire, yes!! The year of first Sino-Japan war, then, 1915 is my 2005, year of disturbance and heroism, wow~~~ I will definitely give a deadly strike to those rapacious and predatory invaders!!!
How come I am still making jokes?!? I am lonely, noone will share my ancient experiences.(At least Lim ZH and Lam XW have a same interest with me, thanks God, I am not totally alone.)Sometime, I thought that I am an alien, cannot fully integrate with normal human, but I am trying to change and adapt. What's wrong if I have a such interest in those ancient things? Am I an idiot? Wuahahaaha......
Barrier of Soul
Sometimes, people may ask:"Could love transcend the barrier of different religions?" Someone will answer loudly and proudly:"'Daijoubu'!! No problem, the power of love is invincible even almighty God couldn't reach." But, in practice, how many people is able to overcome the barrier of soul, sadly, I am one of them. Sigh, sometime, I do feel extremely despressed and disappointed when the barrier, unpredictedly, occur from none, could I do anything to change it? 'Zannen desu', everything seems to be fixed, fixed by that divine agent behind our world, or generally called 'God'. I used to blamed myself, that time, why I didn't act immediatey to save the regret of today? Why I didn't find the truth? Why I ceased so easily? Now this is useless to talk those nonsense, I already accepted the fate and destiny, I will let go who or what I am not deserved to have. Fate isn't unfair, at least, now I known her...
I do belief in God, but I am more believing in karma, that's mean what you did, what you deserved after it.
Chinese, for my couple years of observation, I found that Chinese is a supertitious and conservative, not matter what they are believing.
Kelantan, the only Islamic state of my country, recently brought out some meaningless rules and regulations, restricting the wearing of women. In my opinion,that is a insulting to female. I am totally respect their reason for enforcing those laws, but I want to say that, unfortunately, here is not Taliban!
Acinonyx and Terrorism
Few people know that I am Acinonyx, but I am! What is terrorism? Someone simply defined as violence against innocent civilians, but I think that this sentence is incomplete, it should be "Violence and hidden threat to US and his dear alliance 'innocent' civilians, including armed forces"...Haha, sounds funny, but this is my point of view. Actually, we couldn't give a precise definition to terrorism, because a 'terrorist' who you think will a 'justice and freedom fighter' for another. I fight for my people, to liberate my people, will I be lebelled as 'terrorist', probably not.... opps, late....
For the sake of her, I will try my best to achieve my glory~~~
Desperate Future
I lost my foreseeing power, probably I think the future is full of hopeless... You may curious to ask 'Naze', but I am very sure you know the truth.
Taiwan strait's uncertainty and instability is hidden threat to Chinese and Asian Pacific Region, fortunately, the production of anti-secession law maybe the best solution to it. Yes, I strongly agree on that law!!! Thoughout our 5000 years of history, Taiwan island is undoubtedly a unseperable and holy territory of the land of centre empire---China, we chinese couldn't stand any force to disintegrate the island from the motherland, the only way we could do is using forces to solve the remaining problem of 1949 civil war...
Sigh, recently, I hardly could see her word, either she has her problem or she doesn't want to bother me anymore... Nonetheless, I will never give up...
Frustrated Declaration
I did a very wrong decision and declaration last month, it cost a load of unwanted mental disorders and mind dysfunctionalities. She also got hurt. Sigh, all fault was caused by my poor calculation and prediction, so do those ironic heroes in mass flow of history....But, at least I learnt a great lesson....
Taiwan strait, cannot be denied, is a timed bomb to the region, once Taiwan declare independence, sooner or later, the island will encounter an attack of thousands of ballistic missiles, I hoped that Taiwan authority will not make a same mistake like me--- Frustrated Declaration.....
Unexplosed Kaiyit
Ancient quoted, exhausted while living in mask, sigh, so am I... The world laughed me an idiot, but I laughed the world couldn't find the way.... Everyday feel tired, feel lonely, like the emperor who spend his life in the deep cool forbidden city....
Lets discuss about HK, what is the price of the resignation of Tung? Will his successor, probably Tsang, will bring the prosperity to HK, which still remain in recovering economy? What is the plan of Beijing?
For me, Tung, undoubtedly, is a great manager, trusted leader, but ironically he isn't a good politician, Damn!! late already, the topic will be continued tomorrow~~~
Long live Chinese
Lady and Gentlemen, Minister Mentor of Singaporean Republic have foreseen the succeed of Deng's reform era and the high degree prosperity of China. From a poorly organised command economy system, uncertainty and instability of politic with famine and starvation before the death of Mao, her fully changed to developing market-driven economic industry and stable society due to the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, a formidable visionary and practical architect....
He is my idol, I always appreciate his contribution, Thanks, Deng~~~~
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